
Maximizing Revenue and Reach: A Guide to Digital Art Licensing using NFT Smart Contracts

ByRichelle SteynOct 27, 202414 mins

The diverse licensing options available in the digital art and NFT space present both opportunities and challenges for artists. By strategically choosing between personal use, commercial use and IP rights licenses, artists can enhance the value of their work, reach new markets, and create more dynamic engagement with their collectors.

The Obsession with Profit & the Dark Side of Technological Innovation

ByRichelle SteynSep 30, 20248 mins

The tech world is obsessed with profit and that obsession is showing symptoms of an unsettling pattern, the exploitation of human vulnerability disguised as technological innovation and progress. This article presents three compelling examples: the militarization of AI, the creeping influence of centralised finance on decentralised finance, and the rise of unemployment-tech. Together they illustrate […]

Are NFTs Dead, or is Digital Art on the Blockchain a Game-Changer for Art and Culture?

ByRichelle SteynSep 15, 202410 mins

Digital art on the blockchain—often referred to as NFT Art, CRYPTOART or just NFTs—represents a ground breaking shift in how we perceive, create, and exchange art. Despite early exuberance, the current NFT market has faced scrutiny, market corrections and cultural re-evaluation. While some proclaim that “NFTs are dead,” others argue that this is merely a […]



an image of Pak's NFT called The Merge.
Why are Creators and Collectors choosing to Burn their NFTs?
Mint NFTs that Sell by Crushing these 10 Key Success Factors
The Big Picture: Where do NFT Artists Mint and Sell their NFTs and Why?
The Yuga Labs Business Model & the 2024 Super Punk World Collection Wobble
CRYPTOART Culture & Four Emerging Trends
From Walls to Wallets: Exploring Banksy’s Street Art and its Synergies with CRYPTOART
Breaking Free: Rethinking Career Gaps and the Value of Unconventional Paths
Ideas Too Dangerous to Share, Digital Censorship and Cultural Hegemony
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From Walls to Wallets: Exploring Banksy’s Street Art and its Synergies with CRYPTOART

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In the ever-evolving world of art, the emergence of digital platforms and blockchain technology has given rise to a new form of artistic expression: CRYPTOART. This digital revolution bears striking parallels to the disruptive and boundary-pushing nature of street art, epitomized by the enigmatic and provocative works of Banksy. As we navigate the transition from […]

Pak’s NFT “The Merge” has the Potential to Revolutionise the Art World

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“The Merge” project was successful because it was able to tap into a global community of people who were interested in participating in an experiment to create a unique and decentralized work of art. This is a new type of collaborative crowdfunding that has the potential to revolutionize the way art is created, owned and funded.

Are NFTs Dead, or is Digital Art on the Blockchain a Game-Changer for Art and Culture?

ByRichelle SteynSep 15, 202410 mins
Digital art on the blockchain—often referred to as NFT Art, CRYPTOART or just NFTs—represents a ground breaking shift in how we perceive, create, and exchange art. Despite early exuberance, the current NFT market has faced scrutiny, market corrections and cultural re-evaluation. While some proclaim that “NFTs are dead,” others argue that this is merely a […]
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